4M – Crystal Growing Dinosaur Crystal Terrarium Product details : Grow your own crystals and make an awesome dinosaur and crystal terrarium Includes – 4 crystal growing compounds, 3 dinosaurs and terrarium case Recommended age 10 +
4M – Crystal growing Kit Product Details : Grow your own sparkling crystal in the container provided. Its a fun sparkling experiment. Recommended age 8+ Box size 9 x 9 x 9 cmÂ
4M – Crystal growing Kit Product details ; Conduct 7 different growing experiments from this one fabulous kit. Display the different crystals in the specially designed cases. Box size 24 x 22 x 8 cm Recommended age 10 +
4M – Dig A Dinosaur Skeleton, Brachiosaurus Product Details : Excavate the bones of a dinosaur that roamed Earth millions of years ago. Then put the bones together to make a stunning skeleton of the Brachiosaurus, one of the biggest dinosaurs ever to live Contents -1 plaster block. With dinosaur skeleton embedded, 1 paper digging…
4M – Dig a Dinosaur T-Rex Product details : Dig away the plaster to find the hidden Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur bones, then assemble the skeleton. After assembling the skeleton there is a stand provided to make a scene. A great decoration and stands about 19 cm Recommended age 8+ Box size 17 x 22 x…
4M – Dig AÂ Dinosaur Velociraptor Product details : Dig away the plaster to find the hidden Velociraptor dinosaur bones then assemble the skeleton. After assembling the skeleton there is a stand provided to make a scene. A great decoration and stands about 21 cm long. Recommended age 8+ Box size 17 x 22 x…
4M – Fingerprint Kit Product Details: Learn how detectives identify suspects and record important clues found at the scene of a crime! Record, collect and identify fingerprints All components stored in a handy casing – a cool detective science gadget! Kit contains dusting powder, 10 fingerprint record cards, stamp pad and 20 stickers to collect…
4M- Kidzlabs – Bubble Robot Product Details : Non stop bubble blowing machine Simply fill the tray with solution and watch me blow the bubbles includes – plastic parts, solution, motor, wires and detailed instructions Not included 7 required- batteries 3 x AAA, Crosshead screwdriver Assembled product 11.5 cm in height Recommended age 8 +…
4M- Kidzlabs – Bubble Science Product Details : Appreciate the simple beauty of bubbles while having fun Blow a giant bubble, an unbreakable bubble, bubbles galore ! Play lots of bubble tricks and learn the science of bubbles Recommended age 5 + Box size 17 x 22 x 6 cmÂ
4M- Kidzlabs – Crystal Mining Product Details : Excavate your very own crystals and add them to your rock collection. The kit contains natural crystals of various colours A cool mineral rock digging kit. Recommended age 5+ Box size 17 x 22 x 6 cmÂ
Performing amazing experiments with everyday materials – a fun kit filled with inspiration. The kit contains 6 specially designed science experiments. You can generate electricity by using electricity, tomato to light up a bulb, launch a rocket fuelled by baking soda and vinegar and build a table top volcano which erupts with bubbly lava. Recommended…
4M – Kidzlabs , Magnetic Science Product details : The great Kidzlabs kit contains a super magnet set that can be transformed to perform 10 fun experiments and games. Make a super power horse shoe magnet or a magnet wand. So many great ways to experiment with magnets safely. Recommended age 8+ Box size 17…
4M – Kidzlabs, Science Magic Product Details : Perform a variety of magic tricks using everyday objects. From magnetism to mathematics to mind reading. You will discover that magic is all about science. Recommended age 8+ Box size 17 x 22 x 6 cmÂ
4M – Scientific Discovery Product Details : Fascinating science kit including 40 + science projects Self- learning STEAM Principles The unique projects included will encourage your child’s natural curiosity Perform tabletop volcanic eruptions, build a clock powered by lemon, make a square bubble, drive a magnetic racer, perform amazing science magic tricks and more. Includes…
Chemistry C500 takes you on an introductory tour of Chemistry with 28 classic experiments. Learn about reactions between solids, liquids and gases . Discover the colourful effects of acids and bases. Make fizzy and foaming reactions . Write messages with invisible ink. Investigate metals and salts in electrochemical experiments . This kit is ideal for…
Welcome to the enchanting world of magical discovery with the Kids Potion Kit! These kits help unleash creativity, embarking on a whimsical journey, concocting and imagining spellbinding potions using a delightful array of mystical ingredients, fostering imaginative play and endless hours of fantastical fun. A great, fun way for kids to be hands on, and…